Last Updated on 17.10.2020 by DriverNew
Software for operating systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista (64-bit / 32-bit)
Device model: A4Tech Bloody RT7
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Software Description: Offers unique 4-core system. It incorporates 4 various levels for all game requirements: “Low, High, Ultra, and Extreme.”Suitable for MMORPG, FPS and all genre of games.
Upgrade Tip: For those activated “Bloody 2/3/4/5” versions, user is free to upgrade Bloody to the latest version eternally.
Device specifications: A4Tech Bloody RT7
Memory: 160K
Acceleration: 20 g
Frame Speed: 6,666 fps
Max. Resolution: 4,000 CPI
Key Response: 1 ms
Infrared-Wheel: Over 2 Million Scrolls
Tracking Speed: 60 ips
Image Processing: 2.41M pixels/sec
Metal X’ Glide Armor Boot: Over 300 Kms
Infrared-Micro-Switch: Over 20 million clicks
Report Rate: 125~500 Hz
Type: Wireless
Sensor: Optical Engine
Connector: USB(2.0/ 3.0)
System Requirements: Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8 /8.1 / 10 or later
This is a software that will allow you to use all the functions of your device. The version of this software is located on the CD-ROM that is included with the device.
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